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Major essay: You are required to write a 5-8 page paper on a topic of interest, related to the class material or any aspect of popular culture that is relevant to you.

Major essay: You are required to write a 5-8 page paper on a topic of interest, related to the class material or any aspect of popular culture that is relevant to you.
Your final essay can build on the critical papers you have already written, or it can explore and research a completely new topic of interest to you. If you have picked a new topic and you find that you have reached a deadlock with your research, please feel free to look into new topics that promise to be more productive. As long as your essay is submitted on time, you can definitely use the time you have to write it to explore as many angles as you feel comfortable with. The essay should include references to at least five academic sources (refereed books and articles). Separate chapters in a book can be considered separate references. When writing your essay please double-space, use font 12, number your pages consecutively and follow an approved citation system. Structure your essay using a clear introductory exposition, a substantial development section where issues are explored in reference to relevant scholarly writing, and end with a summary/conclusion. Make sure you have a well-developed thesis statement in which you clearly state your main arguments, how you will develop them, what feminist discourses you will use to support your ideas, and what your conclusion will be. Think about the thesis statement as a road map that you give to someone looking for directions: it should clearly indicate to your reader what s/he expects to find when reading your paper. You may use the ‘first person’ when writing if you wish. A separate Reference list is required at the end of the paper.
The Internet:
The Internet is a useful vehicle for accessing a wide range of information. Should you need recent statistics or to find access to feminist sites – the Internet is a great place for material of this nature. However, for your written assignments please use library sources (academic books and scholarly articles as well as your own texts) unless you have spoken to the instructor and received special permission.
Library Contact:
Sometimes finding material in the library to meet our research needs can be difficult. Start with the Library’s research guide for Women’s Studies students at http://library.wlu.ca/subject/womensstudies. All electronic resources can be accessed from off campus, but you will need to log in first. Click on “off-campus login” at the top of any Library page, and log in using the barcode from your OneCard and your last name. If you have any questions or need help, contact Joanne Oud (ext. 2293, joud@wlu.ca).
Basic Format for Evaluation:
• A range: Work that has exceeded all requirements in research, conceptualization and articulation.
• B range: Very good to good. The student has gone beyond minimal requirements but whose work still contains some errors in format and content.
• C range: Acceptable. The student has met the basic requirements for the assignment but whose work hold substantial problems of both a syntactical and conceptual nature.
• D range: Poor. The work fails to meet even minimal standards. The student is urged to meet with the instructor for advice.
• F range: Failure. The student should meet with the instructor to discuss future assignments and problems with the material.
• Please note if you are worried about your ability to write papers for this course consider contacting the instructor before the first assignment. Request access to help to have your paper reviewed before submission.
Evaluation Categories Include:
• Structure: topic relevant to course, ideas focused and coherent, topic understood in depth.
• Argument: evidence presented accurately logically; engages concepts covered in the course and the complexity of ideas.
• Sources: A wide range of scholarly sources consulted, sources used effectively, correct referencing
• Style: Well written, clear writing, appropriate tone.
• Mechanics: grammar, spelling, punctuation, well presented.

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