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Classroom Management- Response

Classroom Management- Response
Order Description
write two 225 responses to the two student responses below:Reply prompt: For your replies, expound on the thread by incorporating additional research or relaying a personal professional experience.
Adapting for diversity amongst our students is in the forefront of our job as teachers. There has been much work done by some leading researchers as to how best meet the needs of a culturally diverse classroom.
Abraham Maslow’s Personal Needs Theory “suggested that for students to have energy for learning, their basic personal needs must be met” (Jones & Jones, 2013, pg. 32). Any negative behavior is the result of one’s basic human needs not being met. Ackerman states that “a student who has chronic behavior problems is communicating a need” (Ackerman, 2013, pg. 308). For children of all backgrounds, these needs (knowledge, self-respect, safety, security, etc.) cannot be met without help from other people (Jones & Jones, 2013, pg. 33). It is the job of the teacher to make sure the needs of her students are met in order to create a safe and happy learning environment. This theory reminds me of the Phillippians fulfilling the needs of Paul when no one else would (“Even in Thessalonica you sent me help for my needs once and again.”- Phillippians 4:16). Sometimes even when parents fail to meet the needs of their children, we must step up and make sure the basic needs of our students are met daily.
Erik Erikson coined the Human Development Theory in which human development is split into key, poignant stages that each need to be nurtured. It is the job of teachers to “assist students in developing a positive resolution of the developmental stage most characteristic of their age” and “support students who are struggling because of unsatisfactory resolution of earlier stages” (Jones & Jones, 2013, pg. 38). These stages do not necessarily change dependent on a child’s country of origin.
David Elkind’s Social Factors Theory describes that the relationship between children and adults involves “contracts” that change over time (Jones & Jones, 2013, pg. 39). These contracts require constant evaluation of child and adult so that changes can be made if need be. Working with culturally diverse students, teachers must examine the culture of each child independently and determine which contracts need to be focused on or what changes must be made to make the contracts work.
Beth Ackerman stresses the importance of finding a “web” of support for students (Ackerman, 2013, pg. 360). For students of different cultural backgrounds that may differ from our own, it is important that teachers create this support system with parents, other teachers, pastors, etc., that know the student and cultural background of the student on a deeper level.
Ackerman, B. (2007). P.R.A.I.S.E.: Effectively guiding student behavior. Colorado Springs, Colo.: Purposeful Design Publications.
??Jones, V. & Jones, L. (2013). Comprehensive Classroom Management: Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems. (10th ed.). New York: Pearson.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace (Peter 4:10).” This passage I feel is relevant to the discussion board this week. An effective classroom learning environment stems from developing and implementing an effective classroom management plan. Student- teacher relationships are imperative. Effective classroom managers use various teaching methods that prevent student behaviors (Jones, 2013). Once an effective classroom management plan has been implemented the teacher can start to try putting in place a competitive, cooperative, and indivdualized instruction plan. Cooperative learning activities used in instruction will permit positive peer relationships. Relationships will be created providing a caring environment and the class will run smoothly because there is now an established trust. The teacher can do several activities to engage their class in cultural diversity, a cultural diorama, thumbprints in paint, and a potluck. It depends on the grade level which activity would be developmentally appropriate. The cultural diorama each student would bring in something that represents their family culture or background. They would go over it in class and allow other classes to walk in a view all the different artifacts in the room. This will prompt questions from their peers. The thumbprints in paint on paper can represent we are all different, no one is the same. This activity could prompt critical thinking questions from the teacher to the student as to why they believe our fingerprints are different. The questions need to allow for interaction among their peers. A potluck on a friday or a holiday would allow everyone to bring in a dish representing their culture. All of these activities allow students to interact with their peers. In my classroom I do a about me page and ask the students to write one as well. After I sort through which papers I can share I read aloud what the student’s likes or dislikes are. I ask the class if they share common likes or dislikes and this normally gets the class into an open discussion. Some students will write down a small glimpse into their home life and others will write down their future goals. I enjoy reading what they write and are willing to share with me.
Jones, Louise; Jones, Vern (2013). Comprehensive Classroom Management: Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems. Foundations of Comprehensive Classroom Management, pg 11
The Holy Bible, New International Version (2006). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.

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