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Use course readings and key concepts to analyze President Obama’s recent speech on immigration

Use course readings and key concepts to analyze President Obama’s recent speech on immigration
I marked the important sentence to the RED in Prompt. Please read that carefully…also you need to read whole prompt.
The main Point in this essay is building my own argument it should be stated in thesis.
My paper must draw on at least two assigned readings and I will attach it. I chose the part that you need to put in my essay. So please link these parts to the Obama’s
speech and my argument.
I attached a paragraph that you can put into the essay and explain it which is related with Obama’s speech. And I attached whole PDF file. You can pick any sentence
that can be
We need to identify an important theme of your choice that emerges in the speech, and that connects to arguments made by the authors.
Theme I chose is cultural citizenship
Develop that argument, which should be stated in bold font as a thesis statement in the first paragraph, using concepts from the course and evidence from the speech.
DO NOT include your name anywhere on the four pages of the paper’s text (no name in header, etc.). Your paper will be graded blind.
So, you need to write essay without name part and it should be full four pages. Not three and half page. It should be full four pages. (DO NOT include your name
anywhere on the four pages of the paper’s text (no name in header, etc.). Your paper will be graded blind.)
I want you to take Obama’s opinion supporters not an opponent
And make argument and thesis well
2 Quotation (Make evidence with one quotation that I gave you and you can pick any sentence in the other article: child sponsorship, evangelism, and belonging in the
work of World Vision Zimbabwe) and make one quotation to support my essay from Obama’s speech. There is transcript)
Assignment 2
Anthro 9
Prof. Jessica Cattelino
Due Thursday, December 4 at the beginning of lecture
See syllabus for late penalties and when they start
See syllabus or contact the teaching staff regarding academic honesty
See formatting requirements at the end of this document
In four pages, use course readings and key concepts to analyze President Obama’s recent speech on immigration. Use no outside sources, only the sources listed below.
Your sources for the speech are:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wejt939QXko (video)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/transcript-obamas-immigration-speech/2014/11/20/14ba8042-7117-11e4-893f-86bd390a3340_story.html (transcript, and there’s
currently video there, too)
Your paper must draw on at least two assigned readings (all items written by Reichman together count as 1 reading); in addition, you may (this is optional) also draw
on any other course films/media and notes from lecture and section. Your engagement with the two assigned readings should be more than a cursory citation or two
(include meaningful quotations), and citing for unimportant ethnographic detail is insufficient. Do not consult any sources for this paper other than the URL(s) above,
links on those sites, course readings/media, and lecture notes—you will be penalized if you do.
To analyze the speech, first watch/read it closely, taking notes. Then, identify an important theme of your choice that emerges in the speech, and that connects to
arguments made by the authors. You are not (primarily) responsible for arguing for or against the proposed policies; instead, use concepts from this course to explore
aspects of culture and society in the speech and the policies proposed therein. Depending on your theme, Reichman and Bornstein might be helpful, but others could be
Possible themes might include—but are not limited to—cultural citizenship, children (as generic humanity and in personalized relations), social categories, life cycle,
the morality of migration, kinship as an institution, the individual/subject, the social construction of kinship.
In order to analyze the speech, do the following:
•    Select a thematic focus for your paper.  The paper length is sufficiently short that you will need to select one major theme to pursue.
•    Develop an argument.  “Argument” in social scientific writing usually does not mean saying that something is good or bad.  Instead, it simply means that you
are taking a position and then presenting evidence to support it. Develop that argument, which should be stated in bold font as a thesis statement in the first
paragraph, using concepts from the course and evidence from the speech.
Your analysis will be evaluated for reading/listening comprehension, clear and reasonable thesis, development of argument/theme, ability to analyze data using concepts
from course readings, clarity and style, and fulfillment of the assignment’s requirements (formatting, etc.).
You should assume that your reader is familiar with the basic landscape of U.S. immigration policy and debates.  Be sure to use page numbers and quotations from the
readings. You do not need to create a bibliography. Instead, indicate citations parenthetically, e.g. (Christen: 429). Cite the speech as (speech). You may add no more
than one screen shot or other image as a fifth page (be sure to refer to it in the text).
Assignment format:
Papers should be 4 pages (plus cover page – see below), double-spaced, using 12-point font (Times New Roman or an equivalent in size), with 1” margins. You may print
double-sided or use the clean side of white scrap paper in order to save paper. Give your paper a title, which should not be written on the cover sheet but rather at
the top of the first page of the 4-page text.  Paginate the document. Graders will stop reading at the bottom of the fourth page.

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