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Social Media and Depression

Social Media and Depression
Depression is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders in the developed nations and the developing nations. Research shows that a major depression affects 16
percent of the general population, with women showing higher prevalence of depression than men (Sagud et al., 2002). Sagud et al. (2002) shows that females have a
higher prevalence of incidence, as well as the morbidity risk of depressive disorders, with higher rates of depression seen at mid-puberty.
Recent research on depression has focused on the relationship between social media and depression. It has found a positive correlation between the use of social media
sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites and increased level of depression among young adults (O’Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson, 2011). However, it has
failed to explain how this relation varies between the genders.  Pantic et al. (2012) did a study examining the relationship between social networking and depression
in adolescent. They found a positive relation between online social networking and depression, but it failed to explain how the relationship varies between the two
genders. Kim et al. (2006) also showed that internet addiction was associated with increased levels of depression and suicidal ideation, but it did not show how the
depression varies between males and females.
Therefore, a literature gap exists of how social media relationships with depression vary between men and women. The gender differences in depressive disorder provide
a clear impression that it also affects the social media and depression relationship. However, this can be attributed to Silverstein et al. (2013) study. They
concluded that gender differences in the depressive prevalence result of somatic symptoms rather than the number of symptoms and the difference was larger for somatic
rather than atypical depression.  As such, this research paper focuses on explaining how the relationship between social media and depression vary between men and
The population description we chose for our study will consist of participants that are enrolled at Cal State Dominguez Hills. There will be a recruitment of a total
of 100 students ranging from ages 18- 35 years old. We will recruit these students from our former classes. We will ask our professors for permission to use student’s
emails in order to send them the direct link to our questionnaires for our study. For our sampling method we will use two types of sampling, Convenient and
Stratification. Convenient Sampling is where we will be using students from Cal State Dominguez Hills by means of proximity to our research study. We intend to recruit
students from classes we are enrolled in, and therefore won’t need to look for outside sources. In doing so, we hope to get a total of 100 participants. Stratification
Sampling will be used when we reach the amount of participants which are 50 males and 50 females; we won’t be able to take any more questionnaires once we have reached
our capacity. The sample characteristics in our study are making sure our participants fit our required demographics such as age range and gender. Participants also
need to be active in social media, specifically Facebook. There will be no compensation or incentive for participating in our study.
The variables we will be measuring for our study are depression and the use of social media: specifically Facebook. To measure depression we will use the Goldberg
Depression Questionnaire. This questionnaire consists of a total of 18 questions developed by Dr. Ivan K. Goldberg. It is a self-test that our participants will take
in order to see signs and symptoms that are linked to depression. In order to score the Goldberg Depression Questionnaire, participants will have to answer each one of
the questions. We will conclude how severe the depression is by looking at the scoring ranges: the greater the number, the more critical the depression.
To measure the use of social media, specifically Facebook, we will use the Facebook Intensity Quiz developed by N.B. Ellison, C. Steinfield and C. Lampe. The
Facebook Intensity Quiz will measure the participants frequents use of Facebook as well as whether their use of becoming an addiction. Participants will answer a 14-
item questionnaire by responding to categories that range from 1= strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree. The Facebook Intensity Scale will be scored by calculating
the main of the items on the scale.
Our group will start by asking the professors from our former classes for permission to use students’ emails to send them the direct link to our questionnaire.
After our permission approval we will send a larger number than what we need in order to ensure we will receive our intended goal of 100 participants. Prior to
participating in our study, participants must agree to our consent form which will describe our study in detail.  Once they have accepted the consent form it will
assure them of its confidentiality. Participants will also be notified that they can stop taking the questionnaires at any given time. The participants will answer the
demographic questions followed by the Depression and Facebook questionnaire. Once the questionnaires are completed the results will only be available for viewing by
our group.
Univariate Analysis of Variance
Output Created        25-NOV-2014 15:15:29
Input    Data    /Users/genesisrios/Downloads/Data_All_141125/survey data recoded.sav
Active Dataset    DataSet1
Split File    
N of Rows in Working Data File    95
Missing Value Handling    Definition of Missing    User-defined missing values are treated as missing.
Cases Used    Statistics are based on all cases with valid data for all variables in the model.
Syntax        UNIANOVA depression_total BY gender FBmedian
/DESIGN=gender FBmedian gender*FBmedian.
Resources    Processor Time    00:00:00.02
Elapsed Time    00:00:00.00
Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label    N
What is your gender?    0    Female    29
1    Male    24
FBmedian    .00        29
1.00        24
Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable:   depression_total
What is your gender?    FBmedian    Mean    Std. Deviation    N
Female    .00    28.3529    8.51426    17
1.00    23.6667    4.51932    12
Total    26.4138    7.41387    29
Male    .00    39.0833    14.78610    12
1.00    33.7500    10.70365    12
Total    36.4167    12.91415    24
Total    .00    32.7931    12.49966    29
1.00    28.7083    9.54385    24
Total    30.9434    11.34158    53
Levene’s Test of Equality of Error Variancesa
Dependent Variable:   depression_total
F    df1    df2    Sig.
3.401    3    49    .025
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.a
a. Design: Intercept + gender + FBmedian + gender * FBmedian
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable:   depression_total
Source    Type III Sum of Squares    df    Mean Square    F    Sig.    Partial Eta Squared    Noncent. Parameter
Corrected Model    1639.115a    3    546.372    5.302    .003    .245    15.905
Intercept    50476.261    1    50476.261    489.797    .000    .909    489.797
gender    1402.779    1    1402.779    13.612    .001    .217    13.612
FBmedian    325.081    1    325.081    3.154    .082    .060    3.154
gender * FBmedian    1.356    1    1.356    .013    .909    .000    .013
Error    5049.716    49    103.055
Total    57436.000    53
Corrected Total    6688.830    52
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable:   depression_total
Source    Observed Powerb
Corrected Model    .911
Intercept    1.000
gender    .951
FBmedian    .414
gender * FBmedian    .051
Corrected Total
a. R Squared = .245 (Adjusted R Squared = .199)
b. Computed using alpha =
Estimated Marginal Means
What is your gender? * FBmedian
Dependent Variable:   depression_total
What is your gender?    FBmedian    Mean    Std. Error    95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound    Upper Bound
Female    .00    28.353    2.462    23.405    33.301
1.00    23.667    2.931    17.778    29.556
Male    .00    39.083    2.931    33.194    44.972
1.00    33.750    2.931    27.861    39.639

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