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Service Design

I the organization I picked is the hotel chain Ibis.Students are required to produce a report that identifies and justifies how they
could improve the service design of a chosen organisation using service design
theory and practice from the module.
Students must choose a multi-unit service based organisation in the leisure and hospitality sector
(restaurant, pub, hotel, entertainment venue etc.) and then attempt the following tasks:
Task 1: ‘Explore’ the organisation’s existing service design using service design tools and
techniques (to include evidence of mandatory site based observations). Analyse the
chosen organisation’s service design using relevant theory and frameworks.
Compare and contrast the service design with the chosen organisation’s closest
competitor. Identify a problem or problems with the chosen organisation’s service
Task 2: ‘Create’ to identify and develop service design improvement solutions and
recommendations that solve the problem or problems identified in Task 1 and
demonstrate service design thinking.
Task 3: ‘Reflect’ to produce an account of how you have reached your improvement
recommendations by documenting and reflecting on your own service design
practice (further guidance will be provided on Moodle). Students should avoid
purely focusing their reflection on their final design solution. The reflective account
must include the feedback on your recommendations received from (a) potential
service users and/or; (b) colleagues from your action learning set (ALS) group
(essential) and (c) what you would do differently if you could start your design
process again from the beginning.
All tasks are assessed according to the criteria in the marking scheme provided and all criteria are
weighted equally.
Students need to ensure that the organisation they choose has been pre-approved by the module
tutor before they start work on their assignment. The chosen organisation or site cannot be the
same as another student’s based on a first come first served principle. Evidence of service should be
collected from both primary research (such as observations) and secondary sources (market
research reports available through the library for example). Refer to the Service Design tools and
technique sessions for ideas and methods on how to collect evidence. Evidence should be
documented in the spirit of the service design methodology with appropriate analysis and
Observation data should be focused on site based customer / employee interactions. Students will
achieve higher marks for multiple site visits that are sufficiently detailed and structured. Students
should avoid presenting observational data that is just their own personal experience without other
perspectives from different stakeholder groups. The assessment should refer to relevant theory and
Report Structure and Submission Requirements
Use the Service Design Process as taught in class to structure the submission into ‘steps’. The
submission should be in report style (headings, sub-headings etc.) and reproduced in colour.
Students should use the third person throughout unless it is a personal reflection (i.e. Avoid using
‘I’). Hand written work should not be submitted, however diagrams and other pictures appropriately
and neatly hand annotated inserted as scans are permissible. A3 sheets or larger can be digitally
submitted. If in doubt, discuss with your tutor before submitting the report.
The target word count is 3000 words +/- 10%. Submissions that do not meet the target word count
will be penalised on a sliding scale in accordance with Faculty policy. References are not included in
the word count. Appendices are permissible, up to six sides of A4. The report should use the Harvard
referencing system (for which a guide is available on the module Moodle site).
Use of full colour diagrams and images, video and other media are positively encouraged but ensure
that all file formats can be opened and accessed using MS Office Word, PowerPoint (with embedded
video and audio acceptable),Paint and Adobe PDF. Discuss other file format opportunities with your
tutor. Work that is accessed on the internet via links in the main body of the report is not
Re-sit Students Only – additional assessment requirements
Students who are re-sitting the module need to choose an organisation that is different to their
previous attempt(s). Approval must be sought via email from the module tutor before starting work
on the re-sit attempt.
Re-sitting students should attempt all the elements of their first attempt assessment brief excluding
Tasks 3(b) and 3(c). Instead of Tasks 3(b) and 3(c) students must reflect on the differences between
their last attempt and their current attempt and the assessment feedback they received, highlighting
what they have done differently to meet the assessment requirements of the module in their next

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