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mental health aspect of the patient (Depression in teens diagnosed with diabetes).

mental health aspect of the patient (Depression in teens diagnosed with diabetes).
Read the case study below and present a 3 pages presentation about the mental health aspect of the patient (Depression in teens diagnosed with diabetes). You must use current journals and research. Remember we are looking for the evidence. Consider also current guidelines, standards and recommendations for practice; you can also consult websites and key informants. The research on the topic needs to be in-depth and requires that you use a minimum of five resources and references. This resembles an in-depth literature review but needs to also include resources useful for clinicians. We are looking for information – evidence – about the latest research, current treatments and interventions as well as recommendations and controversies.Remember this is health promotion—primary prevention. With the case consider primary care needs including screening and evidence to back up your recommendations, and theory to facilitate behavior change
Submit the three-page paper on the topic summarizing the important points for Family Nurse Practitioners practice, controversial areas, and current research as well as resources and websites that are useful to providers. The bibliography submitted with the paper must be annotated. Below are references on developing an annotated bibliography and following APA formatting.
1.    The goal of this case analysis is to address the most salient, important topics in health promotion; you are responsible for presenting all of the important information that a health care provider needs to know about the topic. And at the end of the presentation, you will come up with three questions related to the case for class discussion.
The assignment will be graded on:
Annotated bibliography summary of important points for FNP practice, websites, and presentation
Use of minimum of five relevant articles including evidence-based research; annotated bibliography—a brief summary of each reference used in the presentation
Synthesis of information
Presentation is interactive and concise; relevant information is presented
We also need a 2 to three slides presentation of the work where   interactive and concise relevant information is presented (Make the presentation interactive with relevant images, photos, etc..)
Case study
Ellen is a 16 year old diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 7. She has always had issues with control of her diabetes but his has worsened over the past 2-3 years. She was recently hospitalized for diabetic acidosis when her blood sugars were in the 500 range. She has been admitted on an inpatient status for this issue 3 times over the past 3 years. Her medical team is very concerned about these issues and what it means for her future health. They were so concerned during the last admission that at a team meeting with Ellen and her mother, they stated that her mother needed to be involved in Ellen’s management of the diabetes. If this did not happen, the next step would be to file a 51 A with the possibility of having Ellen placed in foster care. At this point Ellen is very aware of how to manage all aspects of her care including diet. She resents the fact that her mother is now trying to be involved in this and often neglects to test her blood sugars. She adjusts her insulin herself depending on what she plans in terms of going out or her diet. Since this last hospitalization Ellen has been “acting out” in other ways. Ellen’s history is remarkable for depression. She has had one episode when she overdosed on Aspirin and did have to go to the Emergency room for this. Ellen’s family consists of 2 sisters and one younger brother. While her family is very concerned about Ellen, they feel that much of the tension in the family is related to Ellen’s health issuesand there is a lot of pressure on Ellen to “shape up”. Her mom is very anxious about the DSS involvement knowing that the more she tries to work with Ellen on controlling her diabetes the more noncompliant she becomes. Ellen is an above average student in school. She has a positive relationship with one of the guidance counselors. The school nurse is aware of the situation and there are 3 other Type 1 diabetics in the high school. Ellen says they are “goodie two shoes” and avoids meetings and group sessions that the school nurse has arranged. She currently has a new group of friends and has refused to tell them that she is a diabetic. Her mother would like to let them know in case of an emergency. If this happens, Ellen has threatened to leave and has at times stayed out all night. Ellen’s parents are both in the home. Her dad tries to avoid the issues and has not participated in counseling or family group therapy. Ellen herself has seen a psychologist for about 3 months although sporadically. Current concerns revolve around Ellen’s non-compliance and the threat this poses for complications from diabetes. During the last visit, Ellen states that she is worried about gaining weight as well.

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