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Media and communications personal statement

Media and communications personal statement
Order Description
This is a pervious personal statement that I have written for business major. You can use it for extra info and background.
Personal Statement
I believe that business is the most essential field in the world. Individuals cannot go through life without performing basic activities, such as buying or selling daily needs and wants. I am interested in a career of management as I see it as an environment full of appealing challenges. ??
I have endorsed the needs of my community and participated in several events and activities to help make it better. I have volunteered and taught kindergarten students, collected donations (money, food, or winter clothing) for those less fortunate, promoted and explained the true nature of my religion (Islam), ran entertainment events for disabled and challenged children in coordination with local charity organizations, and participated extensively in a campaign to prevent bullying, all within our school campus and under school supervision. I have also engaged in voluntary work outside of my school. I volunteered in helping to organize an event for children with cancer, which was held at their center. In addition, I participated in the Change event at Reem International Circuit which was run by Sawa’ed Atheeb and Lelkheir, which was one of the largest events of the year. The event brought together most of the health and fitness centers, healthy restaurants, and the most popular trainers in one place. It held several activities, such as the 5K Color Run. I assisted in coordinating participants of the event and explaining the purpose of the organization, which is to give to several causes. ?
All of above-mentioned events and activities have taught me the importance of being responsible, the value of team-work, but most importantly, the joy of lending a hand to those who need it. I, along with most of my classmates, have learned that the only way to benefit our community and preserve the environment we live in is by donating a part of our time and effort to those who need it most. There is no reward better than that feeling you get when you capture a child’s smile, knowing you’re the reason behind it. ?
During high school, I was elected as the representative of my class and joined the student’s union for a single semester. Through this, I have learned to listen, identify problems, and propose solutions. In general, I have acquired several leadership skills that made me a better decision maker. Additionally, I am interested in sports. I joined the school soccer team during grade 10, which gave me an enormous dose of excitement and enthusiasm. ?I studied business management as an elective course during the 11th grade and found it interesting. Even though I took the course for less than a year, it has taught me so much about the financial world.?
In conclusion, I see myself as an individual who is both ambitious and a forward thinker. I am continuously focusing on improving my decision making, problem solving, socializing, and public speaking skills. I believe that a degree in business management is one of the most important tools I need in my search for a successful career and future.
Regards,AlAnoud AlNhait

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