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How to improve the sales in a nightclub?

How to improve the sales in a nightclub?
The real answer to this question is… Wherever women go, men follow.
Like most of the nightclubs around the world you can be sure to find a dance floor, a bar, a VIP/tables area and music. We all know that men spend a lot of money on overpriced bottles just to get the attention of women. Over 55% of women go to clubs knowing that they will eventually be scouted by someone and asked to join a table for free drinks.
So maybe another question could be. How do we fill up the club with girls before the men arrive? So when men arrive, they feel like there right where they belong.
By making an earlier event for “women only” could be a great way for women could all be together without the hassle of men for a while. Once the doors open at 10:30 guests will want to arrive earlier to the club so they can be the first to have all the attention on their table.
Most of the guest are international party goes and know how to party, however all guests still need to be educated on how CLS is different to the rest of the clubs. We need to show them that when they come to cirque, they want to spend all the money that have to have a unique experience like no other place. Most of the current waiters sell what’s on the menu without thinking outside the box. They are too afraid to lose a guest or tips by pushing too hard. They need to focus on what can we offer them that they “needs, not what he wants” and not to be scared to “push it to the limit” Also to have a few package deals like for 5DP and a 3L VDK in one order will be 1000 dirhams cheaper “for example”
It is very important for guest to feel like they are VIPs, and by putting a piece of rope next to their table “security rope” being center of attention to attract Women and fame.
In the UK you will find that in most of the nightclubs, the majority of the waiters are women and men as assistant waiter due to the fact that men like women to look after them and feel more comfortable to be pushed with sales.
We should focus more on giving more entertainment to tables when they buy a bottle, so they can feel they are part of the main show, center of attention. Not just bringing bottles with sparklers to the table.
On the Promotion side there is a huge gap in the market that we are not filling in which is looking after people in our own industry, we should be inviting them to you club for a table and vice versa, this way all our staff can make friends with each other and eventually start to send each other clients. Another thing that has proven to work with my previous experience is that we need to allocate a team to look after a maximum of 5 hotels, to become best friends with the concierge, to invite them down to the club with their team to have the chance to experience the club, to go to the hotels on a weekly basis to keep in touch and to send them emails once a week with the flyers
Incentive scheme – It’s a very good way to motivate the staff to push for champagne and vodka, but the incentive should always change onto different products, as the waiters are not really motivated by this anymore as they just think about it as an extra bonus
Every week there should be competitions within the team on selling new or different products than usual. It makes the job fun
Targets – Waiters to have monthly targets in order to hit the budget (then do not have to know the budget, only their targets)
Score board – With the top booker and the top sellers
International Waiters – Waiters that have experienced working in club around the world that is very motivated to prove how good they are and who has an existing database of clients
Collaborate with an international club to promote our club. I .e in Moscow
It is very important for the staff to know that if they do not perform that they will lose their job, so we need to look at the weakest link and to give them a warning.
The conclusion to this topic is that we need more entertainment from the waiters side, to bring in European waitresses who isn’t scared to push for a sale, to make more competition between the waiters and to make an event for women only to attract the spenders a lot earlier.

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